Fundraising Opportunities
Camp Cards
Contact: Shaundra Kirk (
This year’s sale is similar to previous years. The cards are $10.00 each. For every sale, $5.00 goes to the unit, and $5.00 goes to council.
Local vendors include:
Albertsons/ Tom Thumb
Academy Sports and Outdoor
Smash Burger
Legoland Discovery Center
Sea Life Grapevine
The 2023 World Series Champion Texas Rangers
And many more..
There is no upfront deposit or cost to sell. Unsold cards are returned when you are done selling. Units will not be charged for any unsold cards returned prior 5/62024.
The sale starts March 1st and ends on April 30th. You may continue sell after this date, but all money and remaining cards must be turned in by 5/6/2024.
Storefront sales are not available at this time. Please contact Shaundra if you have ideas or leads for a location that would allow sales.
Cards can be picked up at Troop meetings beginning tonight, March 4.
Popcorn Fundraiser
Contact: Rachel Goss (
The popcorn fundraiser is wrapping up. We have only $440 in physical product to sell. However, take orders and wagon sales continue until October 15th.
Helpful Sales Tips Here.
Wagon Sales:Friends/Family/Neighbors/Church/Etc.
Popcorn will be delivered the last weekend in August but, until then, you can have customers order online or you can take orders in advance.
Online: Sales made through your online link.
Online account setup instructions here.
Trails End is our popcorn vendor and we have some exciting new benefits:
- New product lineup! – Details here
- Rewards!! – Details here
- Troop will be awarding Amazon Gift Cards to 1st ($50), 2nd ($30) and 3rd ($20) top sellers.
- All purchases can be done in the Trails-End app with ZERO credit card fees.
- 38% of each purchase goes to the Scout Account
Meatstick Fundraiser
Contact: Philip Pratt ( or 214-493-3397)
12 Amazing Flavors! Low Carb! A Convenient Snack Option!
Ordering Link for Customers:
As an alternative, Troop 451’s Summer Camp Fund donation link is:
We still need your help to fund raise to help offset transportation costs to Camp Geiger summer camp.
We are asking all scouts that plan to attend Camp Geiger to participate as they are able so that we can considerably lower our transportation fees.
We now have a convenient online order link you can send to hungry friends, family and neighbors. Delivery is fast (usually 4 days) and you can’t beat the price and selection!
Thank you for helping to make summer camp more accessible to all of our Scouts!