MERIT BADGE Counselors
T451 Merit Badge Counselors Available
Link to a list of all of our current T451 MB counselors and the Merit Badges they teach: CURRENT TROOP 451 MB COUNSELORS
Merit Badge Counselors
Existing MB Counselors:
Thank you for serving our troop! If you are NOT making changes, nothing else needs to be submitted. Just make sure your YPT is current.
Existing MB Counselors that are Adding or Deleting Badges:
Please fill out the following and scan/email to teresashook75067@yahoo.com or bring to a troop meeting:
1. Application for Merit Badge Counselor (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf)
- You can register for more than one
- Some (such as water activities, climbing, or shooting sports) require qualifications.
- The Guide to Advancement (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf) outlines additional training/certifications that are required to teach certain badges.
Not A Merit Badge Counselor yet? Read This:
We are always in need of Merit Badge Counselors for our Scouts and would love your help to assist a Scout with completion of their badge. Scouts offer a variety of Merit Badges and I am sure that you will find one that speaks to you. You DO NOT need to be a subject matter expert! It is very easy to follow along with the book and the outlined requirements. We would love to have a bigger resource from our Troop to help as many Scouts as possible.
Please fill out the following and scan/email steps 1-3 to teresashook75067@yahoo.com or bring to a troop meeting:
1. Adult Application (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-501.pdf)
- Even if you’ve already submitted an Adult App for another position, we need a separate one for MBC.
- Enter Position Code 42 – Merit Badge Counselor on page 3 under “To Be Completed by Unit” section.
- Submit pages 3 (App) and 6 (Background Check authorization)
2. Merit Badge Counselor App (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf)
- You can register for more than one
- Some (such as water activities, climbing, or shooting sports) require qualifications.
- The Guide to Advancement (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf) outlines additional training/certifications that are required to teach certain badges.
3. A current copy of your YPT.
- Sign in to my.scouting.org
- Click Menu in upper left and choose My Training
- You will see your YPT status. If your YPT expires earlier than 2024, click “Retake Course” otherwise click “Print Certificate”
4. Complete MB Counselor Training (approx. 30 minutes)
- Sign into my.scouting.org
- Click “Menu” in the upper left had corner
- Select “My Training” from the drop down
- Click on the Scouts BSA logo under “Training Courses by Program”
- Choose Merit Badge Counselor Training
5. Once you complete the training, please let me know – Teresa Shook (teresashook75067@yahoo.com) and I will add you to the list of certified counselors. Any help would be appreciated and this is a great way to volunteer your time back to the Scouts. Thank you for considering volunteering and I look forward to see what badge(s) you decide to help with.
Any questions regarding training or what all is involved, please reach out to me. Thank you!