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service projects

Keep Lewisville Beautiful: Adopt-A-Spot

Contact: David Woehler ( or Kristi Brinkerhoff (

Sign Up Here:

Waiver Form (must be completed and turned in each year for both adult and scout(s) in order to earn service hours): Adult Waiver Scout Waiver

Map of Adopt A Spot Area

Once a month, the troop is looking for a couple scouts or scout family to volunteer to support our adopt a spot. We cover Main St. and Summit (Including the median with Wal-Mart) and back down Civic (basically the where the church sits).

It only takes 2-3 people 1 hour and you’ll pick up about 2 bags of trash. There must be a adult present for safety. Please be sure to send Mr. Woehler or Kristi Brinkerhoff an email with who was there, how long, how many bags and a picture of the scout(s) next to the Adopt-A-Spot sign. Please let Mr. Woehler or Mrs. Brinkerhoff know if you want the picture in the Keeping Lewisville Beautiful newsletter.

In the signup, the first weekend is chosen. However, any date in the given month is fine.

Please make sure to complete the waiver form for any child and adult participating. This form must be turned in annually to Kristi Brinkerhoff in order for your scout to receive service hours.